Level One – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

List Item: Play 100 of the greatest computer games
Progress: 58/100Title: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Original Platform: Nintendo 64
Year: 1998
Position: #3

I hope you never read this Kat… but I might have found one of your favourite games actually quite boring. Aside from watching over the husband’s shoulder when he gave it a go for his blog, this was the first time I turned my hand to Ocarina of Time. Seeing the following that this game has, and how it is the third highest game on the combined list, I must be the only gamer who found it rather dull.

Playing Ocarina Of Time has made me think on how long I should play the game before I hold my hands up and say “this isn’t for me, life is too short, just gonna move on now”. I think after 5-6 hours of playing this you know how you feel about a game. I didn’t even get to the infamous Water Temple.

Now, I didn’t play the original N64 version and instead opted for the (much-lauded) 3DS remake. I don’t know if this would make too much of a difference to my enjoyment. One thing it does mean is that  I can’t comment much on gameplay of the original. graphically this really is a huge improvement on the original version that I remember watching hub play, but that’s all I can do for comparison.

Playing this and A Link To The Past reasonably close together has helped me answer the question of what type of Zelda game I prefer – 2D all the way unless it is The Wind Waker. This doesn’t exactly bode well for my (attempted) playthrough of Majora’s Mask. Who knows though, I might be pleasantly surprised.

2 thoughts on “Level One – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

  1. Going to admit, I never finished Ocarina of Time on the N64. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, I just had other games to play and other things to do. I used to pick it up every now and then and play a little more but I never did get to the end of the road.

    1. Hey thanks for the comment 🙂

      Sometimes I do wonder how many people that put it on their ‘best ever’ lists have actually finished. Probably not as many as you’d think.

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