Tag Archives: Natsume Yuujinchou San

(✿◠‿◠) Anime!!! – Natsume Yuujinchou San

List Item:  Watch the 100 best anime TV series
Progress: 42/100Title: Natsume Yuujinchou San
Episodes Aired: 13
Year(s): 2011

It’s been over 18 months since I watched the second season of Natsume Yuujinchou and, I have to say, it was like putting on a comfortable pair of pyjamas as I dove back into it. It also reignited my desire to watch more episodes of Mushishi (which I am currently going through at a glacial pace).

This might be because of my growing familiarity with the characters, but I do think that this was the best whole season of Natsume Yuujinchou that I have seen so far. It relies less on the original premise of restoring the name to the ‘monster-of-the-week’ and instead has become far more serialised, which suits the show tremendously.

Also, as each season progresses, it is great to see the level of personal growth that Natsume himself is going through. In the beginning he was very much put upon and hated his ability to see members of the spirit world. Like the character of Chise in The Ancient Magus’ Wife, he is someone who was unable to deal with his ability and so was shuffled from home to home until he found someone willing and able to look after someone with his needs.

I thought back to this when watching the final episode of the third season where, not only has he made a substantial number of friends from the spirit realm, but he also had a growing number of human friends. With this being halfway through the show’s run, I am really interested to see just how much more he is going to develop as a character and how his relationship with his weird cat-demon bodyguard continues to grow.

For my next series I am going to be watching the adaptation of Great Teacher OnizukaGiven the content of the manga, I await with great interest to see how this is going to be brought to the small screen.