🎻♫♪ – Coronation Anthems by George Frideric Handel

List Item: Listen to half of the 1001 Classical Works You Must Hear Before You Die
86/501Title: Coronation Anthems
Composer: George Frideric Handel
Nationality: German/British

This is the first blog post that I have written for well over a month. What was once a lead exceeding 6 months has starting to limp it’s way down to 4. It’s currently early June, my husband is playing a racing game for his own gaming blog and I am re-listening to this classical piece because it was 4-5 weeks since I heard it last.

Handel’s Coronation Anthems feel like such a grand way to be getting back into the blog groove. They also remind me just how long it has been since I last saw anything in relation to live football playing – because how the first of these anthems, ‘Zadok the Priest’, is also the basis for the UEFA Champions League Anthem.

It speaks to the politics of the time, the ruling house in the UK being the German born king George II, that you would have a composer of German extraction that lives in Britain composing such important pieces. So successful were these grand pieces that they have been used in coronations ever since and he would later go to compose other pieces for the royal family (such as the Royal Fireworks).

Honestly, this is such a nice place to restart. The music giving an air of grandeur to getting this blog back up and running. Some people use club music to pump them up, today I ended up using Handel’s Coronation Anthems.

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