I🖤NY – Day 6: Leaving New York’s Never Easy

I think we can all agree that the last day of a holiday is a strange one. Since there is a train to catch, plane to check in to or a motorway to hit before traffic begins to snarl we always end up with one eye on the clock.

On this, our last day in New York, we had a pretty good chunk of the day to do some final moseying around below Central. Of course we had to start our day with our final diner breakfast (it would be rude not to) and that set us up until a Panda Express dinner at JFK airport.


First off it was a return trip to Macy’s to take a final bask in their Christmas department. Truly this is so much better (and less sad) than some of the year-round Christmas stores we have been seeing around town. If you are in New York when Macy’s has their Christmas stuff out it really is worth the detour.


The next port of call was 5th Avenue itself. It’s just one of those streets you need to walk down, sashay in and out of shops and take in the general feel. We would have popped into Saks to say hello but we spent way too long looking at all the books in Barnes & Noble.

Since we had the time and were in the general vicinity – there was one more place I wanted to visit:


Okay don’t judge me too harshly, but how can you not gravitate towards a candy store with three floors? Exactly! That’s the charm of Dylan’s Candy Bar. With it’s sweet themed playlist (think ‘Sweet Escape’ by Gwen Stefani rather than ‘Sugar, Sugar’ by The Archies on repeat). If it was not for the fact that we had already bought sweets for work and our own personal supply of peanut butter M&Ms (R.I.P.) we would have spent more in here than just a present for our good friend.

List item: Visit 100 of the Lonely Planet’s Ultimate Travelist
Progress: 57/100 (repeat visit)
img_3780Sight: Times Square
Location: New York City, USA
Position: #208

Sadly this was it for our time. So after being separated on the subway for the second time (the doors closed between us because of how long it took four people with strollers to got off) we explored Time Square one final time and endured a 2 hour ride in an airport shuttle to JFK and then an overnight flight home.

So here I am back in the UK. Since I did not get a chance to sleep on the plane (thank you restless 18 month old and their parents who just let them make noises for the majority of the overnight flight as they slept) I already started planning some items for the itinerary once I am back in New York.

I’m thinking of going back to the Cloisters, taking in the view from the top of One World Trade Center, seeing art at the Frick Collection and maybe heading out to Coney Island for a ride on the Ferris Wheel to see if I can find where the Cloverfield monster crashed into the sea.

Do you have any ideas for something I need to do when I am next in New York? Please let me know in the comments.

Thanks again New York. It’s been great.

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