New List Appeared: 100 Best Anime Series

Okay so I must be insane. However, I have a feeling this will be the penultimate list to be added to my bucket list blog (other than replacement lists should I actually complete something).


It is hard to find any comprehensive best ever list for anime. I’ve been looking for a while and it would have been included in this blog with the TV and comics lists had found a earlier.

Since I am not in the position to create an anime list like I did with video games I will be relying on the opinions of fans. Maybe in future I’ll shift lists, but until then I’ll follow the top TV series list.


Since this is a solo effort rather than doing it with my husband my rules will be different. For example, if I am five episodes in and I absolutely cannot stand it then I will call it the day.

One issue about this list is how volatile it is…  to try and counter-act this I will temporarily skip over shows that are part of the current season in the hope that groupthink will work things out. Also, I will be updating this list semi-regularly with the main list page having a date of the update.  Until a good publication comes out this is the best I can do (looking at you AV Club and IGN – please make a best of list).

List Item:  Watch the 100 best anime TV seriesnichijouProgress: 7/100

As you can see, it’s a long way to go. The shows I have so far seen are: Steins;Gate, Nichijou, Usagi Drop, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, two seasons of Ghost In The Shell and Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. The first and last in this list being my favourite animes of all time.

A large number of the shows on this Top 100 list appear to be based around sports – especially traditionally American sports like baseball and basketball. Therefore, I will be going for one of these sporting shows as my starting point.

Other than these sporting shows – I am looking forward to finally seeing Gintama, Cowboy Bebop and Mushishi! This’ll be fun.

3 thoughts on “New List Appeared: 100 Best Anime Series

  1. I don’t think I could do this. I know that there are some anime out there that are always on best ever lists that I just can’t stand. I’m wishing you luck and fun watching.

      1. I don’t like to say never but there is almost no chance I would watch a baseball themed anime. An anime that has a baseball game in it is fine, but being the focus… pass.

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